See also: ORCID-ID, Academia, Researchgate
Books, Edited Volumes, Special Issues
2023 (with Christoph Günther and Robert Dörre eds.). Disentangling Jihad, Political Violence, and Media. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Download open access book here.
2021 (with Lene Faust). Special Section: Dark Ethnographies. ZfE | JSCA. 146.
2020 (with Christoph Günther). Jihadi Audiovisuality and its Entanglements: Aesthetics, Meanings, Appropriations. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Open Access.
2019/2020 Social Media imtransnationalen Alltag. Zur medialen Ausgestaltung sozialer Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Senegal. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag
Review by Sigrid Kannengießer in Publizistik 65, pages 493–495 (2020).
Review by Michaela Pelican in Sociologus 71: 97–100 (2021).
2017 (with Dang-Anh, Mark; Reisner, Clemens; Villioth, Lisa). Medienpraktiken: situieren, erforschen, reflektieren. In: Navigationen – Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften 17 (1).
Articles & Other Contributions
(with Anja Dreschke & Anna Lisa Ramella). Multimodal Digital Curating as (anthropological) research, collaboration, and engagement. Allegra Lab.
(P)Reenactments der Gewalt: Aneignung und widerständige Praxis? In Alena Strohmaier und Elisa Linseisen (ed.). Deine Kamera ist eine App. Medienverflechtungen des Applizierens und Appropriierens. Lüneburg: Meson Press. 99-115.
(with Suzana Jovicic). Co-Teaching Postdigital Ethnography. Working Paper Series Collaborative Research Center 1187 Media of Cooperation. Vol. 34. Universitätsbibliothek Siegen.
(with Muna Ahmad, Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann and Maike Wiechert). Digitale Team-Ethnografie: Teilnehmende Beobachtung auf Instagram mit dem Account ‚Hashtag Islam‘, in: Laura Niebling, Felix Rackzkowski, Sven Stollfuß (Hg.) Handbuch Digitale Medien und Methoden. Springer VS. 1-24.
Digitale ethnografische Methoden. In Tabea Scharrer, Birgit Glorius, Olaf Kleist und Marcel Berlinghoff(Eds.), Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag. 165-170.
(with Hind Bouqartacha and Liesbeth Nonkululeko Kanis): Weaving Well-being – Multivocal and Multilocal Stories of Employment and Identities. Blogpost. Birmingham Blogs and VOICE Project: EUniWell “Decentering Epistemologies for global Well-Being.”
Intimate Pictures. Mediating Absence and Presence in Senegalese Transnational Relationships. In: Clemens Eisenmann, Kathrin Englert, Cornelius Schubert, Ehler Voss (Hg), Varieties of Cooperation. Mutually Making the Conditions of Mutual Making. Wiesbaden, Springer Verlag. 79-94.
‘Calling to Prayer in “Pandemic Times”: Muslim Women’s Practices and Contested Public Spaces in Germany’. Entangled Religions 12 (3). DOI:
(with Ulf Neumann, reprint). In/ Visible Images of Mobility: Sociality and Analog– Digital Materiality in Personal Archives of Transnational Migration. In: Cathrine Bublatzky and Fiona Siegenthaler (eds.). (Un)sighted Archives of Migration Spaces of Encounter and Resistance. New York: Routledge, 317-338.
Heilige, das Meer und ethnologische Tourist*innen. In Ethnographic Encounters: Essays in Honour of Martin Rössler. In Michaela Haug and Rosalie Stolz (eds.). Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 193-196.
(with Lene Faust) Dark Ethnography? Encountering the ‘Uncomfortable Other’ in Ethnographic Research: Introducing this Special Section. ZfE | JSCA 146: 2, 81–90.
(with Robert Dörre and Christoph Günther) Journalism and Images of Violence: Ethical Perspectives. In: Sebastian Baden, Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann and Johann Holten (eds.) Mindbombs. Visual Cultures of Political Violence/Visuelle Kulturen politischer Gewalt. Bielefeld, Berlin: Kerber Art, 127-136.
Expanding the Family Frame: Social Specialists, Mediated Experiences, and Gendered Images of Mobility in transnational Wedding Videos. In: Alex Vailati and Gabriela Zamorano (eds.). Ethnographies of ‘On Demand’ Films: Anthropological Explorations of Commissioned Audiovisual Productions. London & New York: Palgrave, 167-192.
(with Ulf Neumann) In/Visible Images of Mobility: Sociality and Analog-Digital Materiality in Personal Archives of Transnational Migration. In Visual Anthropology 34 (4): 317-338.
How Can You Approach the Field Digitally? Reflections on Using Social Media Profiles in Ethnographic Research (DEI Blog).
Circulating Family Images: Doing Fieldwork and Artwork with/about Family. In: Fabienne Braukmann, Michaela Haug, Katja Metzmacher und Rosalie Stolz (Hg.). Being a Parent in the Field. Implications and Challenges of Accompanied Fieldwork. Bielefeld: trancript Verlag, 79–98.
(with Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann) Challenges in Digital Ethnography: Research Ethics relating to the Securitization of Islam. In: Journal of Muslims in Europe. Vol. 9 (2): 175–195.
(with Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann and Patricia Wevers) Re-enacting Violence: Contesting Public Spheres with Appropriations of IS Execution Videos. In: Christoph Günther und Simone Pfeifer (eds.). Jihadi Audiovisuality and its Entanglements: Aesthetics, Meanings, Appropriations. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 161–180.
(with Christoph Günther) Jihadi Audiovisuality and its Entanglements: A conceptual framework. In: Christoph Günther und Simone Pfeifer (eds.). Jihadi Audiovisuality and its Entanglements: Aesthetics, Meanings, Appropriations. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 1–19.
(with Yorck Beese, Alexandra Dick, Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann, Christoph Günther and Bernd Zywietz) Inside the Islamic State’s Media – Eine kollaborative Videoanalyse. In Bernd Zywietz (ed.) Die Propaganda des Islamischen Staates: Formen und Formate. Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag. 365–414.
Ereignisse im Transnationalen Raum: Ein Foto-Essay zur medialen Erweiterung von Raum und Zeit in Hochzeiten zwischen Deutschland und Senegal. In: Marie-Christine Gabriel, Christopher Hohl und Carola Lentz (eds.), Eventforschung. Theoretische und Methodische Herausforderungen, Arbeitspapiere des Instituts für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 183, 39–43.
Medienpraktiken der Nähe und Distanz. Soziale Beziehungen und Facebook-Praktiken zwischen Berlin und Dakar. In: Navigationen – Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften 17 (1), 55–75.
(with Dang-Anh, Mark; Reisner, Clemens; Villioth, Lisa) Medienpraktiken. Situieren, erforschen, reflektieren. Zur Einleitung. In: Navigationen – Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften 17 (1), 7–36.
Exhibitions, Films & Media
2024 Exhibition Preview: We are not Carpets! I will tell you my story. 27 September – 5 January 2025, Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Cologne.
2023 Muslim*Present, curatorial project within the framework of the exhibition “The Entire Story Starts Where” as part of the collaboration of the RTG “anschließen-ausschließen” with the Academy of the Arts of the World (AdKdW), Cologne. Also follow on Instagram.
2023 Archival Screens, Videoessay, 8 min. (with Yorck Beese, Robert Dörre and Maike Wiechert).
2022 Sounding out DAESH. Videoessay. 8:14 min. (with Alexandra Dick and Christoph Günther).
2021 reClaim: Art as Resistance Against Political Violence (digital exhibition platform, co-curation with Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann).
2019 Dealing with challenging research situations. Audio Guide as part of the Somatics Toolkit – Extended Practice (with Lene Faust).
2017 To Declare One’s Hand: Pictures on the Table, Pictures on the Move (Mixed-Media-Installation, Senegal, Germany (with Ulf Neumann). Part of the Exhibition: Mediating senses of belonging. An exhibition of practice-based projects in visual and media anthropology (Berlin, October 2017)
2012 Three factories, Germany, 15 min (with Paul Beetz, Birgitt Müller, Marlene Hentschel).
2009 Davis meets Daveman, Germany, 27min, German and English, with Stefanie Dresch.
2006 And the Spinning Wheel Keeps on Turning, Hungary, 26 min, German with English subtitles, University of Manchester.