
Workshop: Academic Writing as Craft & Epistemological Practice organised together with Annette Steffny from 6-8 November 2024. With Rosa Cordillera A. CastilloJulia PauliCornelia Schadler, and Toni Giselle Stuart.

The workshop brings together practical hands-on exercises on how to write academic texts “beyond the representationalist epistemological framework” (Schadler 2019) with more theoretical discussions on academic knowledge production and epistemic practices through writing.

Application until 30.09.2024.

Opening & Exhibition: WE ARE NOT CARPETS – I tell you my story 
on display from 27 September 2024 until 5 January 2025 at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Cologne. Co-curated together with Arjang Omrani and Tahereh Aboofazeli. 

The exhibition is one of the outcomes of the collaborative research project „Curating and Weaving Memories“ by Arjang Omrani, Tahereh Aboofazeli and Simone Pfeifer, funded by the Cologne International Forum and the GSSC of the UoC and the FWO-funded project at UGhent.

For updates on the program and events:

Panel Organisation together with Arjang Omrani and Tahereh Aboofazeli at the RAI Conference “Anthropology and Education” in London from 25-28 June 2024.

Multimodality, Collaboration and Co-curation as Critical Anthropological Pedagogy: This panel critically explores the different notions of collaboration, multimodality, and co-curation in the research field, as well as the dissemination of anthropological knowledge as a critical anthropological pedagogy. Submissions possible until 13 January 2024.

Workshop: Inclusion and Symmetrical Participation in Knowledge Production organized by the thematic group “Co-Producing Knowledge” at the GSSC Cologne from 24-25 April, 2024.
Presentation with Cihan El Mentawi: “Navigating Shifting Membership in a Digital Team Ethnography

©Photography by Fabian Blum; Art Work by Asma Aiad

Presentation/Participation in Roundtable: Muslim*Present in Cologne: multimodal (digital) curation as intervention and research at the workshop Multimodal Storytelling; Exploring the More-than-Text Modes of Research and (Re)Presentation at the University of Ghent, 23-27 October 2023, organized by Dr. Arjang Omrani.

Workshop at the DGSKA/GAA conference on Contested KnowledgeThe Politics and Practices of Meme Culture: Ethnographic Perspectives on Post-digital Modes of Knowledge Production. Co-organized together with Anja Dreschke and Anna Lisa Ramella for the Working Group Media Anthropology, 25-28 July 2023 in Munich.

Muslim*Present in Cologne. Intervention in public space with Asma Aiad, as part of the exhibition “The Entire Story Starts Where: Connections and Exclusion of Translocal Positions”, from 10 June- 20 July 2023.
10 June 2023, 7-8:30 pm at Ebertplatz Cologne: talk and readings with Asma Aiad, Lana Sirri and Fatima Remli.

Curatorial Project: Part of the curatorial team of: “The Entire Story Starts Where: Connections and Exclusion of Translocal Positions”, at different locations in Cologne from 15 May – 2 July 2023.

Online Workshop: Mutlimodal Digital Curating co-organized with Anja Dreschke and Anna Lisa Ramella for the Working Group Media Anthropology of the DGSKA. 19-20 January, 2023, Zoom.

Screening and presentation: „Archival Screens Collecting, Saving, and Ordering Obscure Material“ as part of the interim conference of the AG Visual Anthropology “Caught in the Crisis: Doing audio-visual ethnography in times of crisis”, 28-29. October 2022, University of Münster.

Invitation to the Gender & Diversity Lunch the University of Siegen. A collaborative format of CRC 1187 & 1472. 12 July 2022, 12:15-1:45 pm, Herrengarten 3, AH-A 228.

Invited Presentation: Ethnologie als Störung? Herausforderungen ethnografischer Forschung in einem interdisziplinären Projekt der zivilen Sicherheitsforschung as part to the Departmental Seminar Series of the Department of Anthropology and African Studies (ifeas) at the University of Mainz, 21 June 2022, 2-3 pm, HS13 (Forum 7, 1. OG).

Invited Presentation: “I was touched by the mercy in his voice“: Gendered and affective dimensions in the appropriation of religious images and videos on social media as part to the After Lunch Lecture | 60 Minutes in Ethnographic Theory by the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Cologne. 1 June 2022, 2-3 pm, lecture hall XII (Main Building).

Invited presentation:

to the INSPIRE Seminar Series. 16 March 2022, 12:00-13:00 CET:“reCLAIM: Digital Curatorial Practices as Ethnographic Intervention” together with Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann. Join the Facebook-Event.The event will be streamed on Microsoft Teams at this link.

Hybrid Workshop:

Populist Aesthetics in Cultural Perspectives: Truthmaking, Faking, and the Politics of Affect in (Digital) Media

10.-11. March 2022 at the Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS, Heidelberg University)

Organised by: Cathrine Bublatzky (HCTS) and Simone Pfeifer (Mainz/Cologne)

See the full program and further information here:

Funded by the Thyssen Foundation, co-financed by the Baden Wuerttemberg Foundation and the project Contemporary Photography as a Cultural Practice by Diasporic Iranians in Europe (HCTS, University Heidelberg), and with support by the project Jihadism on the Internet: Images and Videos, their Appropriation and Dissemination at the Department of Anthropology and African Studies of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.